Our principals:
Schutz und Respekt
Protection and respect are essential once working with children, not only in Cambodia. Our Code of Conduct (for members and employees) and our Child Safeguarding Policy reflect the priority that children's rights have in our mission. We also comply with Cambodian guidelines that set out the nutritional, health, education, and support requirements for children's social and emotional development. The guidelines also describe how the children's and young adult's understanding of economic relationships and the ability to provide for one's livelihood can be strengthened.
The guidelines also describe how the children's and young adult's understanding of economic relationships and the ability to provide for one's livelihood can be strengthened.
The Ministry of Social Affairs checks compliance with these guidelines at least bi-annually, and KKEV- Cambodia has always had full compliance certified.
All our activities are designed to have a lasting effect and not just reduce acute suffering. The aim is to make the children and their local caretakers independent of donations and to implement projects not for them but with them.
In our opinion, (re)builiding a functioning community is one of the most sustainable forms of development aid.
Verwendung der Spenden
We try hard to keep the costs incurred in Germany as low as possible. Thanks to the voluntary commitment of the board and the organization, more than 90% of donations and membership fees can be used for the work of KKEV-Cambodia.
An indépendant auditor in Phnom Penh checks and certifies the use of all donations annually.
Please consider to donate!
Verein und Satzung
Kinderhilfe Kambodscha e.V. Aachen (KKe.V.) wurde im September 2004 unter der Nr. VR 4153 beim Landgericht Aachen eingetragen und ist als gemeinnützig und mildtätig anerkannt.
Alle von KKe.V. Aachen eingeworbenen Spenden kommen ausschliesslich dem KKEV-CAMBODIA zugute, einer von Kee.V. Aachen gegründeten und finanzierten internationalen Nichtregierungsorganisation in Kambodscha.
Die Verwendung der Spenden wird von der Kinderhilfe Kambodscha e.V. in Deutschland kontrolliert.
Sehen Sie unsere Vereinssatzung hier ein.